Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Where are You in Your Journey?
The National Resource Council estimates the percent of the U.S. population which has been sexually abused to range from a low of 20-24 percent to a high of 54-62 percent of the population. Read more
Advocates for Youth.
When to Seek Psychotherapy
- Are you experiencing Depression? (Physical manifestations are: change patterns in sleeping and/or eating, decreased energy, poor concentration.)
- Do you experience panic attacks, phobias, eating disorder or obsessive thinking?
- Do you live in isolation?
- Do addictions run your life?
- Do you avoid sex & intimacy?
- Are you physically or sexually abusive to others?
- Do you self injure?
When to Seek Coaching
- Do you see patterns in your relationships which create curiosity in you? “Why did I just say that to someone I love?”
- What resources and healing services have you used on your journey?
- You are in relationship that “works” yet leaves you wondering why you still feel lonely.
- Does the idea of ‘sex’ bring discomfort or anxiety?
- Are you satisfied with your insight, and wish for greater love and life purpose?
- Are you willing to experience life on a multi dimensional level?
- Do you invite the ongoing growing ability to self examine?
Next Steps:
for a Complimentary Call or
Coaching is Not Yet for You